Outsourced, fractional and temporary CFO, Controller and accounting services

Audit Prep

NOW CFO consultants provide years of audit prep expertise preparing companies for audits. We offer consultants with experience as auditors that will complete the auditor’s checklist. The checklist often appears as a foreign language to CFOs and Controllers. Audits typically are time consuming and expensive. NOW CFO is here to ease that burden.

What Do We Offer?

Our staff of experienced former auditors are capable of completing all tasks on an auditors checklist shortening the time and cost of an audit. Outsourcing audit prep leads to less frustration and not as many questions from auditors. The more questions auditors ask the longer the audit takes and the more the costs increase. Our consultants will help create an underlying schedule to support balances in accounting systems. The three primary focuses of NOW CFO consultants during audit prep are:

  1. Reconciliations of balance sheet and disclosures
  2. Revenue recognition
  3. Preparing financial statements and disclosures

Why Do We Do Audit Prep?

Our staff of Big Four CPAs, MBAs, and consultants can immediately provide highly trained audit experts to assist your company in completing the auditors checklist. This will help your company save money and time on your audit. Our team excels at lessoning the headache and costs associated with an audit.

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