
Find The Perfect Candidate
You’re In Good Company

Get Your Dream Candidate With NOW CFO

With over 17 years of experience in job placement, we have access to a wide range of top talent as well as the expertise to vet and prepare candidates for the right position. Our talent acquisition strategy effectively evaluates candidates using a series of checkpoints to evaluate experience, skill level, and personality. These checkpoints include the following:

Alignment Interview

With a staggering 98% of employees claiming they would not work for a company that does not align with their values, it has never been more important to ensure that your business values and your employees’ values are aligned. This is why we take the time to analyze your company’s lifestyle and initiatives to ensure that your next hire is 100% on board. Taking this step reduces turnover and supplies you with a new hire that is invested in your organization.

Technical Assessment

As part of our vetting process, we conduct a technical assessment for candidates. This ensures that we are providing you with a new hire who is proficient in the skills required for the position.

90% of our recommendations end in successful hires
With over 70000+ resumes on file
Providing you our top 1% of candidates
30 day guarantee

Take Your Time Finding The Best Fit

Support Immediate Business Needs

We understand that it may take some time for you to find the right fit for a permanent role. However, you may still have an immediate need for accounting support. So what should you do in the meantime?

We are happy to provide you with part time accounting roles ranging from staff accountant all the way up to high level CFO. With over 300 consultants nationwide, we are fully prepared to support your interim accounting needs.

Not The Right Fit? Take Advantage Of Our 30 Day Guarantee

We take a lot of pride in our thorough screening process. It is extremely rare for our candidates not to meet our clients’ needs. However, in such an event, we commit to providing a replacement at no additional cost to you within 30 days of a candidate’s start date. It is our priority to ensure that you are fully satisfied.


Our Recruiting Process

Intake Call, Job Creation and Posting

This important conversation helps to identify the unique requirements and challenges regarding a specific role. What we learn in this conversation helps us create the framework that allows us to find candidates who will be a good fit with your corporate culture and likely to succeed at your company.

Sourcing, Cultural and Technical Screening

One primary element of NOW CFO’s services is to not only find the best fit culturally, but to technically vet each candidate to ensure that only the most qualified candidates are presented.

Present Top Candidates

Once we have fully vetted each candidate, our team then submits the top candidates by providing their resumes, detailed notes, and other essentials to provide full visibility in order for the client to make the best decision.

Client Interview  

Our team will work with each client to schedule final interviews efficiently and effectively to allow our client to build their own opinion of the candidate.

The Offer

We will work with the client and candidate to provide a background check, offer letter, and any final or additional details with full transparency. This will minimize any interruptions to the final steps of the recruiting process. 

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